
Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
November 5-8, 2024
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novembre 2-5, 2021

Bienvenue sur le site de la Société Africaine des Membranes.

Notre vision est de préparer et de former une masse critique d’experts dans toutes les régions d’Afrique spécialistes des sciences membranaires, des procédés de traitement de l‘eau et des technologies durables sur le plan énergétique. AMSIC oeuvre pour faciliter l’accès à l’eau potable, améliorer la qualité de l’air et la santé des individus en Afrique et dans les autres régions du globe.


AMSIC Newsletter, issue 12, December_2022 - Telecharge PDF

Bulletin #12, Notes éditoriales


Editorial by Sara Chergaoui

Co-director of information, communication and social network

PhD candidate at Université Catholique de Louvain

Alumna of the Erasmus Mundus

Master of Membrane Engineering EM3E-4SW


If I am to choose one word to describe the African Membrane Society (AMSIC), it would be inclusive. I have joined AMSIC on the 25th July 2020, where I received a welcoming email from Dr. Abdoulaye Doucoure, the president of AMSIC at the time and the current co-Director Academy-Industry Relations & Professional Training. The reason why I’ve chosen the word inclusive is because from our first meeting I have felt welcomed, and I have felt heard. Our meetings can tell loudly the passion of the members bringing up thoughts, updates on ongoing projects, etc. It brought into me the desire to do more and participate in something I like, which is around writing, editing, communicating. Members are constantly active in and outside of the continent.

We’re growing constantly every year, we’ve got members from all regions of the continent, and we’re reaching out to include further countries like Mauritania, Kenya, Gabon, Guinea, Zambia among others.
The year 2021-2022, was quite special:

First, the AMSIC congress took place in Dakar Senegal from 2nd to 5th November 2021 comprising a workshop on membrane filtration. The congress gathered membranologists from around the globe to speak of the role of membranes in promoting sustainability and providing efficient solutions to global matters and which concern Africa in particular such as water scarcity and water purification. The closing ceremony handed over the organization of the upcoming congress in 2024 to the Ethiopian team, representing the 4th region of the continent to carry out this event.

Second, a new AMSIC board was elected. Today, the AMSIC family is led by professor Raja Ben Amar from Tunisia as president, together with Prof. Edward Nxumalo from south Africa as vice president, Dr. Abaynesh Y. Gebreyohannes as general secretary from Ethiopia, and Prof. Mady Cisse as Treasurer from Senegal. They have all been committed to serve well the AMSIC society and we all have trust in strengthening our values and support the accomplishment of the different ongoing projects.

In this edition, an overview is given on both AMSIC-3 and the new board; plus, highlights on the special issue in the Journal of Membrane Science and Research that was coordinated by Dr. Abdoulaye Doucouré together with prof. Bart Van der Bruggen and Dr. Asim Khan. Besides, a synopsis on the open access database as fruit of collaborations from KU Leuven, Hong Kong University, Yale University, and Technion Israel Institute of Technology is presented besides a brief report on the Desalination symposium organized in Tangier Morocco. Finally, some announcements on some of the notable achievements by our members before concluding with survey results on the online courses that were held by the AMSIC academy.

Finally, I cannot stress enough how exciting it is to be part of the AMSIC and would like to give credit in particular to Ambu —Dr. Abaynesh Y. Gebreyohannes— who first introduced me to this incredible society, or in fact family. I vividly remember the dinner we had in Leuven, Belgium, where I first met her and perceived great positive energy that I was simply eager to get to know others passionate about membrane technology and ready to bring up their expertise into the field. It was indeed a beautiful encounter!


AMSIC Newsletter Issue 11_-October 2021 - Telecharge PDF

Bulletin #11, Notes éditoriales


Editorial by Prof. Mady Cissé
Full Professor CAMES
Agri-food expert
Food Industry Engineer
Dr in Food Sciences
Dr in Agri-Food Process Engineering
École Supérieure Polytechnique /UCAD


Ecole Supérieure Polytechnique de Dakar
The École Supérieure Polytechnique (ESP), ex ENSUT (Ecole Nationale Superieure Universitaire de Technologie), ex IUT (Institut Universitaire de Technologie), ex IP (Institut Polytechnique), is a public institution with an inter-African vocation of the University Cheikh Anta DIOP of Dakar (UCAD). It was created by Law No. 94-78 of November 24, 1994. ESP, which is one of the finest engineering schools in West Africa, will be the institutional host of AMSIC-3 organized at the Museum of Black Civilizations, November 2-5, 2021. In this context, we thought it was important to describe its organization and demonstrate its commitment to train skilled students motivated to take on 21st century Africa’s pressing challenges.

The ESP is a public establishment with legal personality and financial, administrative and financial autonomy. It is headed by a Director and a Director of Studies appointed by the Board of Directors headed by the Rector of UCAD. Prof Falilou Mbacké Sambe is the current School Director.

The mission of the École Supérieure Polytechnique (ESP), as part of initial training and continuing education, is to:
✓ Deliver theoretical and hands-on training programs of senior technicians; operational engineers; managers; and design engineers.
✓ Provide higher education and carry out research activities in order to prepare directly for managerial functions in: production; applied research and services.
✓ Organize teaching and research activities aimed at continuous improvement, adaptation and participation in scientific and technological development.
✓ Carry out expertise as part of training for public and private companies.

AMSIC Newsletter Issue 11_-October 2021 - Telecharge PDF



AMSIC Newsletter, issue 10 - Telecharge PDF

Bulletin #10, Notes éditoriales

In this last issue of 2020
AMSIC leading voices share their views on a host of topics ranging from

• university research and patent accomplishments (M. Khellouf; R. Chemini),

• post-secondary membrane training in Africa (R. Chemini, A. G. Yihdego),

• student educational journey (S. Chergaoui),

• awarded grant (R. Ben Amar),

• showcasing of a chemistry campus in Johannesburg (H. Richards).

Readers can appreciate other insightful contributions on chemical engineering teach curricula (M. Daramola) and the relevance of intellectual property ownership in the era of the AfCFTA, a trade agreement signed in 2019 by 54 African nations (A. Anim-Mensah).

Ablo Doucouré

President of AMSIC


Professeur titulaire de classe exceptionnelle.


AMSIC Newsletter, issue 9(Fr), Juliette_2020 - Telecharge PDF

Bulletin #9, Notes éditoriales

Editorial Par
Professeur titulaire de classe exceptionnelle
Chevalier de l’ordre national du lion,
Université Assane Seck de Ziguinchor - SENEGAL

La science, la technologie et l’innovation sont des leviers essentiels pour le développement économique et social des pays Africains dont l’ambition nettement définie est l’émergence. C’est pourquoi le développement des connaissances dans les institutions et centres de recherche pour la synthèse et la caractérisation des membranes et matériaux de filtration, leurs applications dans les domaines de la qualité de l’eau, de la purification du sang et de la filtration de l’air apparaissent de plus en plus comme une priorité dans la définition de la politique publique.

Le Sénégal, un pays côtier de l’Afrique de l’ouest, s’apprête à organiser le forum mondial de l’eau en 2021. Aussi il s’est engagé à mettre en place une usine de dessalement d’eau de mer d’une capacité de 50.000 m3/jour à partir de 2022. C’est dans ce contexte que l’« African Membrane Society », en collaboration avec d’autres partenaires institutionnels internationaux, a décidé d’organiser à Dakar au Sénégal, un congrès sur l’application de la technologie membranaire avec des intervenants universitaires et industriels, tous de renom, pour une quinzaine de plénières et de key notes. Une attention particulière est accordée au genre avec un objectif de 50% de femmes en plénière. Il faut noter qu’une quarantaine de résumés ont déjà été reçus d’Afrique, d’Amérique, d’Asie et d’Europe pour les sessions orales et les posters.

Ce rendez-vous scientifique sera accompagné d’un atelier de formation de techniciens outillés en compréhension des mécanismes de transfert, en procédé de mise en route et d’exploitation d’unité pilote d’osmose inverse encadré par l’« Institut Européen des Membranes » de Montpellier. Cette formation de techniciens, première en son genre en Afrique de l’ouest, pourrait servir de lancement à une mise en place d’un centre d’apprentissage sous régional. Une exposition commerciale sera également organisée pendant cette rencontre en vue d’accélérer l’adoption des procédés membranaires et de filtration sur le continent africain et de faciliter l’émergence d’une industrialisation locale.

A cause de la pandémie liée au coronavirus, le congrès initialement prévu du 03 au 06 novembre 2020 est reporté en 2021. Les dates de la prochaine tenue du congrès et de la formation de techniciens seront précisées d’ici le mois d’aout pour un accueil très agréable au Sénégal.

Professeur titulaire de classe exceptionnelle.

AMSIC Newsletter, issue 8, January_2020 - Download PDF (English Only)

Bulletin #8,Editorial Notes, -(English)

Editorial By                                     Abdoulaye Doucouré
President of AMSIC

AMSIC invites the world filtration community to Africa: Dakar, Senegal November 3-6th, 2020

The prevalence of socio-economic disparity across the globe has reached a level triggering intense debates among key stakeholders from the government and policy-making branches, research and higher education circles, and community advocacy groups. To complicate matters, fixing the uneven distribution of wealth must account for other pressing challenges reflected by weather instabilities and climate change, fast-expanding demographics in some regions, shrinking agricultural landscapes, or weaker ecological systems. For Africa, moving to an era of industrialization offers some attractive opportunities to most effectively support several vital and basic needs from its citizens – i.e. 1.2 billion inhabitants, with 45% of them living in urban centers. With a population expected to double by 2050 and a limited contribution to the global fossil fuel consumption, the continent will have to build its industrial infrastructure by finely balancing two strategies: a) advocating for more relaxed constraints related to CO2 emissions control; b) promoting sustainable innovation and implementing environment-friendly technological solutions. The 3rd African Membrane Society Congress seeks to examine how filtration and energy experts can advance sustainable development agendas benefiting both urban centers and small isolated communities. Specifically, activities subsequently highlighted are the cornerstone of AMSIC strategy to encourage durable changes in synergy with local residents and respectful of the environment..

Air Filtration & Quality: with 92% of the world population living in areas where World Health Organization air quality guidelines are not met, AMSIC intends to prioritize issues of air filtration, air quality in its technical programs and to treat nonwoven/fiber materials sciences as an integral component of the membrane science disciplines. Experts from the nonwoven community will prepare “air tutorials” during AMSIC-3. Other technical contributors will engage in a conference, educate and share data on nonwoven materials utilized for indoor air filtration and ambient air treatment..

Exposition and Technician workshop: there are numerous ways to create conditions favorable to build an industrial infrastructure, which for Africa, will help alleviate vital needs and close socio-economic gaps. Our network seeks to play an active role by supporting a commercial exposition bringing together local and international exhibitors from the filtration and energy industries. Another key project aims to create training certificates for technicians with a strong focus on hands-on competencies. Our goal is to start a couple of multi-national projects in Africa by 2021. AMSIC-3 plans to host a Question/Answer round table session on the final proposal and debate on the next steps..

Abdoulaye Doucouré
Président of AMSIC.

AMSIC Newsletter, issue 8, January_2020 - Download PDF (English Only

Bulletin #7, Notes éditoriales, -(French)

Editorial Par Raja BEN AMAR
Département Chimique Faculté des sciences,
Université de Sfax - Tunisie
Vice-Présidente de l’AMSIC

2ème congrès international Francophone sur la filtration et les techniques séparatives ou FRANCOFILT

Avec des universités classées au meilleurs rang à l’échelle Africaine et un grand nombre de centres de recherche et de pôles technologiques, la Tunisie s’affirme comme un pays qui mise sur le développement des compétences, l’encouragement à la valorisation des résultats de la recherche à travers le partenariat entreprise-université et la mise en place de bonnes pratiques de création d’entreprises pour développer une économie moderne et concurrentielle.

La Tunisie accueillera le 2ème congrès international Francophone Francophile sur la filtration et les techniques séparatives qui aura lieu du 23 au 25 Septembre 2019 à la ville balnéaire Hammamet. Il succédera au 1er congrès Francofilt qui s’est déroulé durant la période 29-31 Aout 2017 à Bordeaux et qui a connu un franc succès. Ce congrès sera co-organisé par la Faculté des Sciences de Sfax (Université de Sfax (Tunisie), l’Université de Blida (Algérie), l’Université de Bordeaux (France) et l’Institut de la Filtration et des Techniques Séparatives (France). Les techniques séparatives, essentiellement celles se basant sur la technologie membranaire sont en plein développement dans le monde, qu’il d’agisse du domaine de l’environnement, de la santé, de l’eau ou du domaine industriel.

Cette année la devise du congrès concernera les aspects spécifiques des techniques séparatives et des procédés membranaires portant sur l’adaptation des progrès techniques aux contraintes locales. Cet événement sera l’occasion de débattre et discuter des questions techniques, scientifiques et socio-économiques de la science et de la technologie des membranes et de découvrir les dernières avancées et les pratiques les plus innovantes en matière de séparation Solide/Fluide et des technologies membranaires.

Des échanges entre experts de la recherche et industriels, ingénieurs, exploitants et décideurs sur des thématiques pointues et spécialisées offriront des opportunités de réseautage et de socialisation.

Les deux journées de Francofilt 2019, seront consacrées aux interventions techniquesqui combineront des présentations orales, des interventions plénières et keynotes, des table-rondes et des posters scientifiques.
Plusieurs participants du monde entier seront présents à cet événement, ce qui permettra des échanges fructifiants. Les thèmes abordés traiteront des problématiques environnementales, énergétiques et sanitaires pour lesquels les techniques séparatives sont en mesure d’apporter des solutions durables (Traitement des eaux, traitement l’air intérieur, valorisation des eaux usées, Dessalement et énergies renouvelables, Filtration pour les applications biomédicales/biopharmaceutiques, Méthodes de
caractérisation, essais et techniques d’analyse).

Rendez-vous à Francofilt !

Raja Ben Amar
Présidente du congrès Francofilt 2019.

Full PDF Download #7

Newsletter #6, Editorial notes, -(English)

Sidy Ba, PE, PhD
Institut Polytechnique Rural de
Formation et de Recherche Appliquée,
Katibougou, Mali

Director of Publications &
Newsletter Editor for AMSIC

Welcome to the African Membrane Society Newsletter!

Since its inception in 2014, the African Membrane Society has been in the forefront of leadership, advocacy, and education for the development of all facets of membrane technologies and processes in Africa. The members across the continent and around the world are contributing to the advancement of the science and engineering of membranes. They are committed to democratize the science and engineering of membranes in Africa. That’s why our members are always looking for more students to work on this exciting and promising field of broad application potential whether for cleaner water and air production, medical application for blood filtration or else.

One of the main objectives of AMSIC is to teach and train a critical mass of students to be scientifically and technologically capable of harnessing the potential of membranes in the sustainable industrial development of Africa. To this end, AMSIC is calling for partnership and collaboration between its members and between its members and external experts in the field of membranes from various horizons (academia, industries, public organizations, etc.)

To ensure that membranes in Africa are not just about esoteric knowledge between experts in academia, AMSIC urges its members to focus their work in meeting the needs of the populations across the continent through sound practical projects.

Enjoy reading AMSIC Newsletters and please do not hesitate to send us your comments and suggestions. Our AMSIC team of experts will gladly get back to you.

Full PDF Download #6

Online edition Newsletter #6


Newsletter #5, Editorial notes, February 2018

Edward Nxumalo
AMSIC African Membrane Society Board, External Relations

Associate Professor
University of South Africa

The 2nd African Membrane Society International Congress (AMSIC-2) will be held in the City of Johannesburg (South Africa) from the 29th of July to the August 1, 2018

The AMSIC-2 will be hosted by the Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability (NanoWS) Research Unit of the University of South Africa (UNISA) The NanoWS Research Unit is situated in the UNISA’s College of Science, Engineering and Technology at the Science Campus in Florida (West of the City of Johannesburg). The NanoWS Research Unit has various focus areas of research under which numerous strategic projects relating to nanotechnology and water research are developed. Research topics that will be addressed during AMSIC-2 include, among others:

➢UF, NF, RO, FO and mixed matrix membranes (fabrication and applications),
➢Fabrication and modification of ceramic, ceramic- polymeric and hollow fibre membranes,
➢Composites, nanocomposites, nanomaterials in filtration,
➢ Membranes coupled with renewable energy sources,
➢ Hybrid membrane filtration systems,
➢ Fibrous media for air and liquid filtration.

This event aims to capture key technological advances in fields heavily dependent on membrane filtration such as Water, Biotechnology and Biomedical sciences, Microelectronics, Chemical Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, and Power Generation.

As  for  membrane  studies  devoted  to  water,  we  will  consider water purification projects, analytical/environmental research, urban water cycle and rural community development as well as bioremediation and analysis. The NanoWS research Unit is therefore well poised to host the AMSIC-2. We look forward to welcoming you to the City of Johannesburg in 2018!

PDF Download #5



Bulletin AMSIC, Numero 4, Sept 2017 -français

Abdoulaye Doucouré

Président de l’AMSIC Société Africaine des Membrane

Facteurs démographiques de la période 2015-17. Quels enjeux associatifs pour les prochaines années? 

Au mois de décembre 2017 les membres de l’AMSIC votent pour renouveler le Conseil d’Administration de l’Association (12 postes). Ainsi, il nous a paru utile de compiler quelques données démographiques associatives pour apprécier les progrès réalisés en trois ans et pour clarifier les enjeux auxquels nous devrons faire face très prochainement. Le premier constat est que l’AMSIC est toujours présente et que c’est une plateforme d’échange particulièrement utile pour ceux qui s’intéressent à l’émergence des procédés membranaires et de filtration en Afrique. Le deuxième constat, est l'effort des membres de l'association qui a été soutenus par d’autres structures académiques, industrielles et dont l’expertise scientifique a été salutaire (Les réalisations ont ainsi bénéficié d’une meilleure visibilité technique). Le troisième constat, est la communauté grandissante de scientifiques et professionnels basée en Afrique, qui a rejoint l'association. Une tendance dont il faut se réjouir.

En cette fin d’année 2017, l’AMSIC compte près de 90 adhérents répartis sur les 5 pôles économiques du continent (Fig. 1). La moitié des membres résident en Afrique de l’Ouest, ceux qui vivent en Afrique du Nord et dans les autres régions du globe, mobilisent chacun un cinquième des effectifs associatifs. Les représentants des trois autres zones continentales constituent le dixième de nos adhérents, dont la majorité vit en Afrique du Sud. L’une des préoccupations immédiates de l'association est d’accélérer le recrutement en Afrique Australe et en Afrique Centrale ; régions dans lesquelles la présence de l’AMSIC demeure faible.

Un tiers des 54 pays africains compte au minimum un adhérent parmi les membres, soit un total de 18 nations. Le partage selon les régions, illustré en figure 2 reflète la présence de l’AMSIC en fonction du nombre de pays par région. Les autres régions du globe comptabilisent 17 membres qui résident en France, aux USA, en Italie, dans le Sultanat d’Oman et en Malaisie. Rappelons que la vision associative est de former une masse critique d’experts spécialisés dans la filtration membranaire et les technologies associées aux énergies durables. Ainsi, l'association va œuvrer pour une meilleure représentation continentale de l’AMSIC, avec un objectif de 27 à 36 pays d’ici 2023 – c’est-à-dire au minimum un adhérent par pays.

Fig. 1 : Répartition géographique

Plus généralement, la philosophie associative adoptée, encourage toute action propice à l’émergence d’une culture scientifique, technologique et industrielle capable de répondre aux défis auxquels le continent devrait faire face au cours du 21e siècle – boom démographique, changement climatique, priorités alimentaire et sanitaire, besoins énergétiques, défi sécuritaire, etc...

Fig. 2 : Nombre de pays dans chaque région

Les statistiques internes (figure 3) établissent que la population masculine est plus de 4 fois supérieure à celle des femmes. Cette disparité prévaut aussi au niveau du Conseil d’Administration de l’AMSIC. Même si elles sont proportionnellement minoritaires, les adhérentes jouent un rôle primordial au niveau du renforcement des capacités et leur contribution influence remarquablement le dynamisme et le rayonnement scientifique du réseau.  Il y a toutefois urgence à réduire ces disparités de genre et des mesures concrètes seront proposées juste après l’élection du nouveau Conseil d’Administration, dès le début 2018.

Fig. 3 : Répartition selon le genre (% hommes, femmes)

La comparaison des catégories professionnelles et étudiantes (figure 4) met en évidence un autre déséquilibre qui mérite une attention singulière. En effet, les étudiants et chercheurs en début de carrière représentent seulement 15% de l’effectif associatif.  Pourtant ceux-ci participent activement aux rencontres internationales dans lesquelles l’AMSIC s’est engagée. 

Fig. 4 : Classement par secteur d’activité

Désormais il y a lieu d'être encore plus vigilants pour s’assurer que les jeunes chercheurs et étudiants adhèrent au réseau associatif et s’impliquent dans les différents comités. Rappelons qu’ils peuvent s’inscrire sans aucun frais.
Quant aux professionnels du monde universitaire, ils sont 2.5 fois plus nombreux que les spécialistes de l’industrie. L’AMSIC s’efforce de proposer des plateformes techniques (ex : rencontres scientifiques) où les acteurs universitaires et industriels peuvent concevoir ensemble des projets de recherche à la fois innovants et aussi capables d’intégrer des besoins motivés par certaines priorités sociétales.

Fig. 5 : Projection de croissance démographique

Depuis 2014, le nombre des adhérents a progressé de 35 à près de 90 membres. Cette croissance s’appuie d’abord sur les mobilisations faites lors des rencontres internationales. C’est en adoptant une stratégie plus agressive et qui exploite les outils modernes des technologies de l’information et de la communication que l'effectif associatif pourra peut-être doubler d’ici 2020.

L’expansion du réseau AMSIC est stratégique car elle permettra d’amplifier les opportunités d’échange des expériences et de transfert des connaissances à différents endroits du continent, et parallèlement entre l’Afrique et les autres régions du monde. Afin de réaliser la vision associative qui ambitionne de former une masse critique d’experts à travers TOUTE l’Afrique, il est impératif d’accélérer le recrutement au niveau des états qui n’ont aucune présence dans notre réseau. Ainsi d’ici cinq ans les deux tiers des pays africains pourraient participer à l’AMSIC. 

Par ailleurs, nous sommes conscients des défis posés par la faible représentativité des jeunes chercheurs, des couches étudiantes et aussi des femmes au sein de notre association. Le nouveau Conseil d’Administration sera sollicité pour proposer des stratégies capables d’impulser des transformations représentatives durables à partir de 2018.

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Editorial notes, February 2017 Newsletter #3-English only

Edward Nxumalo
Associate Professor
University of South Africa

The 2nd African Membrane Society International Congress (AMSIC-2) will be held in the City of Johannesburg (South Africa) from the 29th of July to the 1st of August 2018. The AMSIC-2 will be hosted by the Nanotechnology and Water Sustainability (NanoWS) Research Unit of the University of South Africa (UNISA) The NanoWS Research Unit is situated in the UNISA’s College of Science, Engineering and Technology at the Science Campus in Florida (West of the City of Johannesburg). The NanoWS Research Unit has various focus areas of research under which numerous strategic projects relating to nanotechnology and water research are developed. Research topics that will be addressed during AMSIC-2   include, among others:

UF, NF, RO, FO and mixed matrix membranes (fabrication and applications),
Fabrication and modification of ceramic, ceramic-polymeric and hollow fibre membranes,
Composites, nanocomposites, nanomaterials in filtration,
Membranes coupled with renewable energy sources,
Hybrid membrane filtration systems.

This event aims to capture key technological advances in fields heavily dependent on membrane filtration such as Water, Biotechnology and Biomedical sciences, Microelectronics, Chemical Manufacturing, Oil and Gas, and Power Generation. As for membrane studies devoted to water, we will consider water purification projects, analytical/environmental research, urban water cycle and rural community development as well as bioremediation and analysis. The NanoWS research Unit is therefore well poised to host the AMSIC-2. We look forward to welcoming you to the City of Johannesburg in 2018!

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AMSIC Newsletter, issue 2, September 30, 2016 - Download PDF (French Only)

Newsletter #2, Editorial notes,


AMSIC Newsletter #2, September 30, 2016


Editorial : A word from the Secretary General of AMSIC, Professor Raja Ben Amar


The African Membrane Society (AMSIC) organized in collaboration with the Faculty of Sciences of Sfax (Tunisia) an international meeting on the ' Exploitation of Membrane Processes for Water Treatment in Small Communities and Urban Centers' from 3 to 5 May 2016. The Sfax community welcomed with warmth and enthusiasm AMS first international congress:  AMSIC-1.
It is worth stressing that a key AMS priority is to stimulate technological transfer via the formation of a critical mass of experts and dissemination of scientific knowledge.

The issues of access to water and drought are of great size and importance in African countries and a strict management of water resources is needed. This approach is likely to address more effectively transnational threats posed by armed conflicts, food crises and epidemic risks. On the other hand, good management of natural resources will warrant better control of the water needs in (still rising) communities, and disrupt the impact of water stress now rampant in the Maghreb (Northern Africa region) under the influence of global warming climate.

Today, African states seem to have prioritized the need to mobilize and share the resources of the continent. AMS welcomes such initiatives and believes that its success is closely related to an active mobilization of African policy makers. In the field of water treatment, membrane filtration systems have several technological advantages for Africa (modularity and robustness of equipment, control of water quality, ease of use, etc.), especially as the investment and operating costs are getting closer to those of conventional treatment systems.The international meeting of Sfax (Tunisia) focused on major advances in academic and industrial research particularly in the field of membrane filtration technology for water treatment. The fallout from this event will be analyzed more extensively in our next newsletter but the following observations can already be identified:
Specialists in filtration gathered to share the results of research projects in Africa and to make recommendations on future directions in technology management, stimulating economic growth through the development of water and energy resources. We hope that the convergence of these efforts will help curb the disastrous consequences of poverty in all countries of the African continent.

AMSIC-1 conference took place over two days the first of which was devoted to filtration technologies for the production of drinking water and desalination processes. Topics such as Formation of Membrane Materials, Membrane Development and Fouling, Filtration Performance of Membranes and Modules were examined in depth by experts. Meanwhile, the contribution of renewable energies for an effective management of filtration processes was actively debated.

The second day was dedicated to innovation in filtration systems and the application of membrane filtration in the field of irrigation, the biotech and pharmaceutical industries, and to promote the exploitation of recycled and reuse water.
These meetings gave us an opportunity to  brainstorm on the need to strengthen institutional partnerships in Africa in the field of education and through industrial partnerships.

I was impressed by the strong attendance during our first international meeting and believe that it will contribute to African development in the scientific and socio-economic areas. The final report of our first congress (in progress) will provide more specific information, evaluate meeting outcomes and define some future areas of work for our association.

The town of Sfax which hosted this event is the second largest city of Tunisia. Located about 270 kilometers from Tunis, it covers an area of ​​220 km2. Sfax is bordered by the Mediterranean to the east and the Gulf of Gabes in the south and has known many civilizations since antiquity (Berber, Romanian, Carthaginian, Byzantine and Arab-Muslim), These have left a rich and deep cultural heritage. The most important monuments of the historic center are i) the Ramparts and great Cisterns built in 856 (UNESCO heritage) at the time Aghlabids and considered among the major landmarks of the Arab-Muslim world, ii) The Great Mosque built by the Aghlabid and also iii) Thyna Roman city located about 10 km from the city of Sfax.

In 2014, the wider metropolitan area of Sfax had 955,421 inhabitants, placing it second only to the governorate of Tunis. It plays a leading role in the Tunisian economy through the export of olive oil (1 in the world for the year 2015) and also fish. Other critical components of the Sfax economy are phosphate mining and oil exploration.

Professor Raja Ben Amar



AMS Newsletter, issue 1, 2015 - Download PDF

Abdoulaye DOUCOURE

The African Membrane Society is the result of discussions initiated in August 2010 in Bamako at a workshop of the Mali Symposium on Applied Sciences. Experts on water and membrane technologies present at the meeting had then expressed the wish to create a continental structure able to meet the following expectations:

form a critical mass of African experts in the field of membrane filtration, water treatment and renewable energy;

have a pan-African network where all continental cultures can discuss scientific and technological issues;

engage close partnerships with global elites in the field of filtration;

encourage the emergence of AMS as a scientific society; and promote partnership with the industry sector.

AMSIC virtual network was created in 2011 which comprised about thirty members from West Africa, North Africa and some members in North America. After the launching of a virtual platform, this group has appointed an interim executive body that continued to operate between 2012 and 2014.
AMSIC was officially created in August 2014 during a second international meeting in Bamako, and is headquartered at the National School of Engineers AB Touré of Bamako. Today, the association staff has doubled (65 members) and the website of the AMS counts more than 2,700 visitors.
AMSIC advocates for the study and exploitation of filtration processes focused on Water, Health, Energy and Environment.

In the area of water treatment, filtration units have several technological advantages for Africa (modularity and robustness of systems, consistency in water cleanliness, relative ease of use, etc.) and capital and operational costs tend to trend toward those of conventional platforms. The priority and the challenges for the AMS are to stimulate technological appropriation via the formation of a critical mass of experts and dissemination of scientific knowledge.

An encouraging sign of our time is that African States seem to have incorporated the need to mobilize and share priority resources of the continent to address transnational threats posed by armed conflicts, food crises, drought and epidemic risks. AMS welcomes these initiatives and believes that its success is closely tied to active mobilization of African policymakers. We will assuredly seek their support to help the best research centers of the continent sharing their skills with those who may benefit from them. We believe that doctoral students and young African professionals have an essential role to play in the consolidation, or even normalization, of these inter-state exchanges. It is in this light that we maintain close ties with the younger members of the AMS and provide them with various services such as mentoring programs, invitations to meetings of the Board, travel grants, awards for the best scientific contributions, and a section for young talent in the newsletter.

We believe that the development of partnerships in the filtration area outside of Africa is also essential. Our association has close ties with the Chair of the UNESCO-SIMEV (Science & Membranes for the Environment), the European Membrane Society, the European Membrane Institute, the Third World Academy of Science, the Agence Universitaire de la Francophonie, and the California Institute of Technology. Their support has encouraged the emergence of AMS; we are very grateful to them. On the other hand, we regularly exchange with the Aseanian Membrane Society and the North American Membrane Society to strengthen academic and industrial partnerships.
Therefore, AMS seeks to respond to major development issues in the African countries by promoting the use of membrane filtration in key areas such as water, health and the environment. In addition to providing technological and scientific knowledge, it aims at networking all stakeholders, including policy makers, industry and the population according to various ways of disseminating information and consultation (website, newsletters, regular international meetings and symposia, etc.).

Regarding the policymakers of African countries, their mobilization is essential for integrating these concerns into local policies.    Strengthening and enhancement of local skills through greater involvement of young PhD students and professionals is also a very important challenge that AMS wants to tackle. Finally, critical mass and visibility provided by the established wide network, participating in funding opportunities of pilot actions, and even more ambitious internationally involved future projects (including participation in competitive international calls).

 For short-term goals, here is the list of 2015 and 2016 priorities that AMS has set:

preparation of the next international meeting of the AMS in Sfax (Tunisia) in spring 2016;

publication of a thrice-yearly AMS newsletters ;

publication of an introductory membrane textbook on water treatment by African users;

updating the AMS website;

posting a database of African experts on filtration, membrane systems and water management.

This newsletter aims to providing greater visibility to AMS activities (members, resources, projects, etc.), to present current projects on the promotion of filtration processes in Africa, and to integrate contributions of our esteemed partners.

Abdoulaye DOUCOURE

We hope you enjoy reading the first issue!